2023 Summer Reading Challenge

This year, our summer reading challenge focuses on STEM subjects: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Reading is a fantastic way for your children to learn more about the important impact these subjects have on our everyday lives.

The Challenge (choose one):

  • Read 5 books about each of the STEM subject areas for a total of 20 books.
  • Read 20 books from our Read Around the USA challenge.
  • Read 20 books from our Read Around the World challenge.


  • Every family that finishes their list (20+ books) gets 200 Doodle Dollar reward points, equivalent to a $10 Timberdoodle Gift Certificate.
  • Runners-Up: Five winners will receive a $50 Timberdoodle Gift Certificate!
  • Grand Prize: One winner will receive a $500 Timberdoodle Gift Certificate!

Multiple Entries:

  • Every family member who turns in their completed reading challenge will receive an entry for the Runner-Up and Grand Prize.

No Purchase Required

Here's the free PDF with the lists to fill out as you choose your own books to fulfill one or both of the challenges.

Want book ideas? Buy the 2023 Summer Reading Challenge ebook with book ideas for various branches of science such as biology (including plant and animal kingdoms, the human body and medicine), earth science (including astronomy, ecology, geology, meteorology, oceanography), chemistry, and physics, plus technology, engineering, and math! We include over 1,300 suggested titles, but don't forget that you are welcome to add any others that you read!

Also Available as a Free Gift!

The ebook is available free with any order for a limited time.

Finish This Summer

Send your completed lists to books@timberdoodle.com by Monday, September 4, 2023, to receive Doodle Dollar reward points and be entered to win a Runner-Up or Grand Prize. The winner will be notified on Tuesday, September 5, 2023.

Read Books for Free!

Naturally, your local public library is the best place to find books for the reading challenge. Many of these titles are also available in ebook (Kindle) format to take advantage of your library’s electronic lending platform or your Kindle device. Plus, a few are even public domain titles!

A Note About Our Book Ideas

It goes without saying that there are a variety of choices for reading materials these days, and families will have different standards.

Just as in our handbook’s reading challenge, the books you’ll find listed here are ones that members of our team have read, added to their “I want to read this” list or have had recommended to them. Even among our team, there is a wide range of titles our families would find acceptable. Some of us find fantasy objectionable and skip books that obscure a solid Christian worldview, but will gladly read a scary adventure story that other families would opt out of. Others consider those fantasy titles to be an exciting addition and worthy of much discussion. We’ve opted to include titles with abandon, knowing that you will be able to determine if they are a good fit for your family.

So this is not a “Timberdoodle would sell these books if we could” list. We can’t vouch for each of the titles, and we certainly can’t know which ones are a good fit for your particular family. Nevertheless we are providing this list to give you ideas to be used as a starting point. As always, we highly recommend reviewing the books yourself before turning them over to your children.

Have You Completed the Reading Challenge?

Email us a picture of your reading list to books@timberdoodle.com and we'll make sure you get your Doodle Dollar award and are entered in the drawing for the $50 and $500 gift certificates! We'll even send you a fun completion certificate and celebrate your achievement on social media!