Free! BambinoLUK Expansion Resources

Young children are almost always hands-on learners. That is why your child picks up and touches everything. It may look destructive, but it is how God has programmed him to learn. And because at this age your child will learn more easily using this preferred learning style, we recommend adding a hands-on thinking program to any written curriculum, to add balance and success.

bambinoLUK is intended to maximize your child’s learning. It contains one easy-to-operate controller with six tiles housed in a transparent case and a number of different workbook sets targeting memorization, concentration, visual perception, logical thinking, linguistic skills, and basic arithmetic.

Plus, once you have the controller you can print your own customized activities to use with the bambinoLUK for unlimited learning!

To Create Your Own bambinoLUK Exercises

  1. This 3-page document, either printed in color or view on screen for reference.
  2. Color printout of any page from the bambinoLUK templates document.
  3. Your bambinoLUK Controller.

Not Familiar with bambinoLUK?

Check out this quick video overview of how it works!