Join Our Blog Team

Would you like to review products for us and have an opportunity to grow your blog or YouTube channel following? We invite you to apply to join our influencer team! Timberdoodle currently has an open influencer team, meaning new influencers may be added to the team all year long. If you have a blog or YouTube channel and would like to be considered for the team, please read the following benefits and expectations and complete the application.

Regrettably, due to the cost of international shipping, we will need to limit our team to those with US mailing addresses. Thank you for understanding.

We are specifically looking for established blogs or YouTube channels about homeschooling, learning, parenting, and family life, though we will consider other niches. If you are just starting out as a blogger or YouTuber, we encourage you to spend several months posting regularly and building your following before you apply.

Please note: we are currently limiting our collaborations to those with traditional blogs and/or YouTube channels. We love Instagram and other social media platforms, but unfortunately, they do not provide a convenient way of tracking click-throughs to our website, which is how we measure the effectiveness of our collaborations.

Benefits to reviewing for Timberdoodle:

  • Be part of a team of influencers to learn and grow. Members of our influencer team will be invited to join a closed Facebook group to network with other content creators. We share tips and ideas as well as cross-promoting one another’s blogs and channels. Review items will be offered through the group.
  • Free or discounted product. As items are available for review, we will let you know via the Facebook group, then choose one or more influencers from among those who offer to review the item. You’ll never be sent an item you didn’t request. We are currently not offering payment for reviews.
  • Get promoted. Your review posts will be cross-promoted on Timberdoodle’s website, Facebook page, Instagram, and other social media. Links to your posts will also be shared with the publisher or vendor, and sometimes they even cross-promote them. This is a great way to drive traffic to your blog or channel.

Please note that being added to the team does not guarantee that you will be chosen for a specific number of reviews.

What we expect from our influencers:

  • Consistent posting. We are most interested in working with influencers who consistently post helpful, quality content.
  • Respond to emails promptly. We won’t be nagging you, but if you have an item out for review, we need to be able to contact you.
  • Let us know when you will post your review. Life happens. We understand that. You may need to reschedule a review. No problem! Just be sure to let us know.
  • Post a review of every item received, even if it turns out not to be a good fit. We want honest reviews, not necessarily positive reviews. Of course, we would expect you to be gracious. You can say something like, “While this wasn’t a good fit for my family, it might work well for yours.”
  • Trackable reviews. When mentioning the product, please use the coded link we provide so we can track the traffic your post brings to our site.
  • Promote Timberdoodle. When mentioning the product, only link to Timberdoodle, even if you mention the product in a non-review post later.

Still Interested?

Please complete the application here, and we’ll be thrilled to consider you for the team. If you are chosen, you’ll receive an email with details, including how to join the official Facebook Group. We look forward to working with you!