Tips for Hands On Learners
Is your child blessed with a body as busy as his brain? Here are our three top tips and one new tool for making "school time" successful and stress-free for both of you!
1. Adjust Your Expectations
If he's learning, you are both winning. His class time may never look like a silent child neatly seated at his desk while calmly reading a textbook. Expect a much more bouncy and exuberant year!
2. Fidgets for Everyone
Handfuls of Thinking Putty, stress-ball type Gummy Bears and Cubes, Mad Mattr, or even Clixo and other construction kits... whatever works for your child is a really wise investment.
Check out a wide variety of fidget options here!
3. Equip Your Classroom
What do your students need this year? Shared space or individual corners? The kitchen table or his own standing desk? A chair or a Wobble Stool?
Our home conversations have often been interrupted by the sound of dining room chairs rocking or even catapulting to the ground.
Enter the Kids Adjustable Pivot Stool, specifically designed for kids who love to move. This adjustable seat has 360° movement and ergonomic design, and the height adjusts to fit your child.
Check out other fun yet practical learning furniture here!