School Organization Gallery
How do you organize your school materials? Here are some great pictures shared with us on our Facebook page, in our Facebook community groups, and on Instagram.
Ashley S.

"This is elite kindergarten and second grade! Each child has a color-coded bin for each subject, and history is shared. Just a cheap bookshelf from Target. I believe $50/$60? The bins came from Lakeshore Learning Store. I bought them two at a time whenever they sent me a coupon."
Sarah D.

"Currently, it's a crazy mess because we're almost done this year, and I quit making the kids keep it neat.... I have 3 grade levels shown here. 9th, 8th, and 2nd (plus extras). I have a separate storage drawer system for supplies... i.e., paper, pens, etc."
Kimber T.

Kelly T.

"We use an Ikea cabinet!"
Liz S.

"We have a designated school room. Go to Walmart and buy a little kids' table and chairs. I bought mine several years ago, so I can’t remember the price, but I do know ours still carries it. It’s nice because the tables are easy to clean, and the chairs are stackable."
Roxanne R.

Jeni W.

"Here is our Montessori-inspired school room."
Viviana B.

"This is actually our old dresser that we painted!"
Jennifer M.

"We school in our dining room since it’s a central location, and I can still make lunch or whatever I need while my Kindergartener is still working. I store most of my stuff in closed decorative cabinets or cube shelves with bins. We did just hang this peg board from IKEA, though, for supplies and mostly the stuff we’re currently working on."
Alisia C.

"The cart is from Target. I believe it was only $30. We just left out the middle shelf. 🙂 The colored bins are $10 for a pack of 5 at Walmart. I like that it’s on wheels so we can move the cart from room to room depending on where we want to work."
Amariah B.

"Almost finished with it. Needs trim and stuff still."
Amy T.

Ashley B.

"Walmart cubbies. I love them."
Amy R.

"We do our homeschool relaxed in the family room. Everything fits in these pretty baskets I got from IKEA. I think we got the bookshelves from Target, but that would be probably a decade ago at least."
Andie M.

"Just finished setting up yesterday in our dining room hutch. 😍"
Ashley H.

Austen and Ashley G.

Beth B.

Cheri S.

"This is our current storage solution. We screwed together eight wooden crates to make a cool functional shelf."

"This picture was our first year with Timberdoodle. We had no extra space so each kid had their own cart with all their books and games. It worked for us!"
Hilary S.

"So excited for our Timberdoodle Kindergarten curriculum!! The kids can't wait to start school next week!"
Jodie L.

"We got it at IKEA a couple years ago. I love it! It works perfect. We added drawers for small things and totes for bigger things that won’t sit well on the shelves."
Kay L.

"Work boxes. Love them!!"
Danielle D.

"I really like IKEA shelves and baskets! I'm a tad OCD and have a hard time with too many things out... but I also want my little ones to be in charge of getting out their school items/toys and putting them away. I love the Montessori way of doing things, but you need space and a willingness to have things out. So, this works well for us! School items and supplies I want them to have easy access to go in the bottom baskets, workbooks go in the top two..."

"...And I have another shelf that holds more books and baskets with the same."
Jennifer S.

"One of the reasons we choose Timberdoodle is because we are more often than not homeschool without the home. So for three kiddos, we have the school bag. It has three file folders in there that can have a day's work put in there so we can grab it and go where ever we want. It fits on the bottom shelf of our book case that holds the rest of the books. Don’t get me wrong, this bag is HEAVY, but it holds everything we need to get up and go. The park, the forest, the lake, then the not-so-fun ones: doctor office, grocery shopping, and even the DMV. Timberdoodle curriculum has given us the freedom to go where we want or need to with me having to plan like a crazy person."
Kristina S.

"I have 4 doing the Elite curriculums (PreK, 2 Kindergarten and a second grader). PreK is still in the box. Their workbooks and “consumables” are in the plastic tubs. Each kid has their tub and each grade has its own shelf."
Kimberly G.

Megan Z.

"It’s all IKEA!! Love that stuff! It attaches to the bookshelf."
Kristin Q.

"My son’s kindergarten curriculum is on the bottom two shelves and my daughter's 1st grade is on the middle upper shelves."
Kristy K.

"This is how we store our books, and worksheets when finished go on the top."

"This is second area I use the shelves and then items found at Dollar Tree to store utensils, magazines, flash cards, games, etc."
Sarah S.

"Each one stores their supplies in a drawer unit and their Timberdoodle books on their bookcase. Shared materials are in baskets on the wall shelves. They are IKEA desk drawer units and IKEA laminate kitchen countertops. I needed big desks that could be wiped down easily so that’s what worked for us."
Lauren B.

"It's not full yet, waiting for one more box of books. But this is where everything will live."
Kimberly M.

Molly P.

"I found a large jelly cabinet on Facebook Marketplace and spruced it up a bit!"
Nicole C.

"Everything had to be low enough for self access."
Sarah C.

"We have too much stuff."
Stephanie T.

"Each shelf is a different subject. We take the items we want to work on that day and move them to a rolling cart to bring to the kitchen table where we work. The cart has crayons, pencils, glue and things like that on it as well as a chart of what needs to be completed for the week."
Tracey B.

"This is our current school shelf that holds what we’re working on. Our games and other extras don’t fit, so hubby bought us a bigger bookshelf that goes to the ceiling. It should be delivered next week (our first week of school, lol)."

"This is the rest of our storage. Stuff from previous years, and books we will be using in the future (our Ambleside Online readers)."
Sarah W.

Samantha R.

"The work folders have today's work, tomorrow's work, missed work, completed work and graded work."

"We have her Timberdoodle kit in the cabinets."

"We have her desk set up with the fun workbooks (she never wants to stop school so she does these when we finish curriculum), her pencils, computer, calendar and work folders. "

"In drawers we have the map puzzles from last year and STEM drawers."