
    Rosetta Stone Homeschool - The Excitement Of A New Language, Without Drudgery!
    From the time I was six, I have loved learning foreign languages. I began with four years of Spanish while in Panama, progressed to French while in Michigan, then took more Spanish in California. My high school years in Iran allowed me to study both Farsi and German. Finally, college in Oregon included a year of Russian. Sad to say, but old age has taken its toll and much of what I learned has vanished from my memory. Yet I will always remember with fondness the thrill of mastering a mysterious language. Therefore it is only natural for me to want to share that excitement with our children, and towards that end I am continually evaluating foreign language programs. In my opinion, the all-new Rosetta Stone is the best program available for older children, ages ten and up, particularly those who live in a state that requires proof of foreign language mastery for highschool graduation.

    Version 3 Is Better Than Ever, With Interactive Lessons And Easy To Use Admin Tools
    Rosetta Stone Homeschool has been completely re-written, fresh content has been added and the types of activities have changed. A new administrative tool includes lesson plans made specifically for the homeschool student that parents can select based on their family's learning objectives. A PDF version of course content is provided describing each lesson in the program.

    The Core Of The Program? Match The Photo And Audio. Immersive, Exciting & Effective
    Currently in use in more than 7,000 schools and fifty-five countries, Rosetta Stone's computerized foreign language program utilizes photos and pictures that portray real world situations. By matching the spoken phrase and image correctly, children learn a foreign language the natural way, by associating sounds, and later written words, with objects and ideas. None of the other dreary methods typically associated with learning a new language are here.

    What is the difference between Rosetta Stone Personal and Rosetta Stone Homeschool Editions?

    The primary difference is that Rosetta Stone Homeschool Edition includes easy to use Parent Administrative Tools. (In addition to everything included in the personal edition of Rosetta Stone.) The administrative tool allows you to determine the best approach for your student, whether that be a Full Year progam, Reading and Writing Focus, Listening Placement, Extended with Reading Intro or 8 other specially crafted lesson plans. You will then be able to track your student’s progress with just a few mouse clicks. You’ll see which exercises they have completed, assess how well they’ve done and determine how long it took them to finish. Those of you who keep careful records will be delighted to know that you can easily review, print or export all that information as progress reports, documenting student achievement for college and job applications.

    So, What Language Does Your Family Want To Learn?
    Rosetta Stone Version 3 Homeschool Edition is available in three to five levels and in seventeen languages!