We really love this new multisensory spelling program and are convinced it will help your child become a confident, successful speller, naturally and at his own speed. And it has the research to back us up. Because Spelling You See encourages visual memory rather than rote memory, there are no weekly spelling lists or tests and very little instructor preparation is required. Each daily lesson in Spelling You See uses real words presented in context within poems or informational passages. Plus each lesson is colorful, short, to the point, and fun! Did I mention we’re in love? You will be too when you discover how relaxed and easy it is to implement Spelling You See.
Why Spelling You See?
Tips for Selecting a Level:
Do not try to match the student’s reading level to an equivalent spelling level. Students must master each developmental stage of spelling before advancing to the next. Research has not established a correlation between reading achievement and spelling ability. No one can “skip” stages in spelling.
Unsure where to start your child? Here's an easy guide:
Why Spelling You See?
Tips for Selecting a Level:
Do not try to match the student’s reading level to an equivalent spelling level. Students must master each developmental stage of spelling before advancing to the next. Research has not established a correlation between reading achievement and spelling ability. No one can “skip” stages in spelling.
Unsure where to start your child? Here's an easy guide:
- Start with Level A if your student is a beginning reader who is learning letter names and sounds and can hold a pencil properly when writing.
- Start with Level B if your student prints easily with lowercase letters and knows most sounds, including long and short vowels.
- Start with Level C if your student knows all letter sounds, spells many common words correctly, and is becoming comfortable with reading.
- Start with Level D if your student is a proficient reader with gradually improving spelling skills.
- Start with Level E if your student is able to spell many common words confidently but may not be ready for the more advanced content of the next level.
- Start with Level F if your student is nearing the end of the Skill Development stage. It provides skill review and an introduction to the next two stages of spelling.
- Start with Level G if your student is ready for the Word Extension stage of spelling. The student should be able to follow written directions and work independently.