The Story of the World Volume 4 Audio Book


The Story of the World 4 audio book cover. The cover is mainly burgundy with a black bottom and a small illustration of an astronaut walking on the moon in the middle. The white text reads “The Story of the World. History for the classical child. Revised Edition. Volume 4, The Modern Age. From Victoria’s Empire to the End of the USSR.” Author, Susan Wise Bauer. Read by Jim Weiss.
The Story of the World 4 audio book cover and contents spread out over a white surface. In the back is the CD box with 2, long, black cardstock panels in front, each containing 4 CD’s. On top, and in the lower-left is the manual booklet, which cover matches the box cover. The cover is mainly burgundy with a black bottom and a small illustration of an astronaut walking on the moon in the middle.
The Story of the World 4 audio book cover. The cover is mainly burgundy with a black bottom and a small illustration of an astronaut walking on the moon in the middle. The white text reads “The Story of the World. History for the classical child. Revised Edition. Volume 4, The Modern Age. From Victoria’s Empire to the End of the USSR.” Author, Susan Wise Bauer. Read by Jim Weiss.
The Story of the World 4 audio book cover and contents spread out over a white surface. In the back is the CD box with 2, long, black cardstock panels in front, each containing 4 CD’s. On top, and in the lower-left is the manual booklet, which cover matches the box cover. The cover is mainly burgundy with a black bottom and a small illustration of an astronaut walking on the moon in the middle.

The Story of the World Volume 4 Audio Book

Professionally-rendered audio CDs of The Story of the World 4, read by Jim Weiss, are perfect for long car trips or listening at home.


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Product Code: 181-286

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