(closeout) Story Time Chess


Story Time Chess Box cover showing a blue-sky background with green patchwork hills. There is a tall hill on each side with a castle on each. The left castle is standard with spires and flags. The right castle looks like a purple hot air balloon. Many characters are coming out of each castle and running to the front, some smiling, waving, and some riding horses. 2 men are in the front middle, the Kings of each castle. The left is eating a sandwich and laughing. The right is looking at his feet in concern.
A customer photo of a dark-haired boy is glasses playing Story Time Chess. He is looking down and concentrating on the game on the table in front of him. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. The pieces are standard chess shape, but has a character cut-out attached to each piece. There is a scoreboard in the bottom left, numbered 1 to 5 on each side with round tiles stacked in the middle.
A customer photo of a dark-blonde boy staring at the camera and pointing to the game board on the table in front of him and leaning his other arm on the instruction and story manual. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. The pieces are standard chess shape, but has a character cut-out attached to each piece. The game box can be seen clearly on the left of the table.
A customer photo of 2 young black-haired children sitting on the floor playing Story Time Chess. They are both looking up at the camera smiling. Between them on the floor is the game in progress. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. The pieces are standard chess shape, but has a character cut-out attached to each piece. The game box can be seen on the floor in front of the game board.
A customer photo of a young blonde boy resting his head on his hand that is on the table in front of him, planning his move. In front of him is the Story Time Chess game board. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. The pieces are standard chess shape, but has a character cut-out attached to each piece.
Story Time Chess Story book, instruction manual, and a king playing piece laid out on a white surface. The Storybook cover is the same as the box cover. A blue-sky background with patchwork hills and a tall hill on each side with a castle on each. Many characters are coming out of each castle and running to the front, some smiling, waving, and some riding horses. 2 men are in the front middle, the Kings of each castle. The left is eating a sandwich and laughing. The right is looking at his feet in concern.
Story Time Chess alternate option board of standard chess. The board has a mint green boarder with letters and numbers written on it. The rest of the game board is checkered white and dark green. The chess pieces are black on the left side, and white on the right. The pieces are set in their starting position. Covering part of the bottom of the game board is the “Story Time Chess Standard Chess Instructions.”
Story Time Chess game board and instructions laid out. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. On one of the squares is the King piece. He is surrounded by round tokens with a pizza slice on them. In the instruction book, is the same King image as on the piece. He is large with a big orange beard and getting ready to eat a sandwich in his right hand while holding a staff with skewered food on it in his left.
Story Time Chess game board setup up with all the pieces in the starting position. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green.  The white pieces on the bottom side show the standard pieces. They have character cut-outs in front of them, but you are not able to see from this angle, so they are just white cut-outs. On the other side are the black pieces. You can see all the colorful character cut-outs. All pieces are in their starting position.
Story Time Chess instruction book open to show 2 mini games. The left page is titled “Bea and Bop, Minigame 1” and the right page is titled “Bea and Bop, Minigame 2.” Under the titles is an illustration of the dark and light checkered game board. There are 2 character images and arrows pointing in the directions they are allowed to move. Under the image is the direction on how to play. The page background is a blue sky with patch work, green, grassy hills.
Story Time Chess instruction book open to show “How to Move Bea and Bop, The Bishops.” This title is written over a yellow crown icon. Under the title and some text is an illustration of the dark and light checkered game board. There is a character image and arrows pointing in the directions they are allowed to move. There is another instructional image at the bottom of the left page. On the right are Bea and Bop standing on the patch work, green, grassy hills, waving.
Story Time Chess pieces laid out on a white surface. There is a scoreboard at the top with a grassy background. There are numbered circles from 1 to 5 on the top and the bottom. In between are 2 spots for game cards on either side and 2 spots in the middle for token pieces. The token pieces on top have a sparkling pink gem on them, and the ones on the bottom have a slice of pizza on them. There are scattered tokens at the bottom, some have crowns on them, and 2 playing cards to the right side.
Story Time Chess promotional image. The background is a blue sky with green patchwork hills. At the top in white is written “Proven Chess Curriculum.” Under in black text, and accompanied by a related icon, are the following skills; strengthens academic performance, enhancing arithmetical skills, teaches grit, improving retained test scores, hones verbal skills, sharpens critical thinking. Below are game awards.
Story Time Chess storage bags on a white surface with pieces laid out in front. The left bag is purple with a white feather in the middle and laying down on the table. The pieces in and coming out of the bag are black. The standing blue bag on the right has a plate and crossed fork and spoon in the middle. There are white pieces in front. Both bags have yellow ribbon pull closures.
A dark-haired boy sits at a table with the Story Time Chess board in front of him. He has a slight smile and is reaching out his hand to move a piece on the board. He is looking up at someone across the table that you can’t see. The game board on the table has light and dark checkered squares with the game pieces in play.
A close up of a hand coming out from the top-right corner and holding onto a Story Time Chess game piece. The cut-out piece is of “King Shaky.” He is wearing a balloon style outfit of purple, gold, and black. He has a white bag in his right hand and is looking down with a scared look on his face and his other hand protecting his face. The piece is being put into the King piece resting on the board. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green.
2 curly, dark-haired children are laying on the floor in front of a couch playing Story Time Chess. Boy on the left, girl on the right.  The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. There are only 2 King pieces on the board. The girl on the right is holding on and moving the white King piece. There are round tokens placed all over the board. You can see the game box leaning against the couch between the children. There is a game logo in the upper-left of the picture.
Story Time Chess game board setup up with all the pieces in the starting position. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green.  The white pieces on the bottom-left side show the standard pieces. They have character cut-outs in front of them, but you are not able to see from this angle, so they are just white cut-outs. On the other side are the black pieces. You can see all the colorful character cut-outs. All pieces are in their starting position.
Story Time Chess alternate option board of standard chess. The board has a mint green boarder with letters and numbers written on it. The rest of the game board is checkered white and dark green. The chess pieces are black on the bottom side, and white on the top. The pieces are set in their starting position.
A dark-haired boy sits at a table with the Story Time Chess board in front of him. He is looking up at someone across the table, but you can only see a part of this persons left arm. The game board on the table has light and dark checkered squares with the game pieces in play. To the left you can see the story book and instructions and some playing cards with round token pieces.
Story Time Chess game board and instructions laid out. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. On one of the squares is the Knight piece. The character piece is a light gray horse with a blue outfit. The instruction book is laid out across the board on the bottom. The title is “Clip and Clop, Minigame 1” and an illustration of the game board below with 2 horse icons and arrows showing how they move.
Story Time Chess game board and Storybook laid out. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. On top of the board, set in the starting position are the black pieces with their characters attached. The Storybook is laid over the game board. The cover shows 2 Queens in the middle, the right queen riding a horse. Behind them are the Kings, followed by more characters running down the hills behind them.
Story Time Chess promotional image. The large, round, center images is the Toy of the Year 2021 awards winner badge. Below is the Story Time Chess logo and surrounding the middle badge are more awards the game has received. There are 8 awards in total. The background is split diagonally down from the top-right to the bottom left and is purple on top and blue on the bottom.
Story Time Chess game board and story book laid out. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. On one of the squares is Queen piece. The character piece is dark skinned with a white and green trim dress. She is smiling and waving her hand in the air. The story book is laid out across the board on the bottom. The title “Chapter 7, Queen Bella, The White Queen” is printed over a crown icon. There is text and story illustrations with the queen.
A dark-haired boy sits with him head resting on his crossed arms at a table with the Story Time Chess board in front of him. He is looking over at the instruction book that is being held up by the adult across the table. The game board on the table has light and dark checkered squares with the game pieces in the starting position.
Story Time Chess Box back has a blue background. There is white text with a yellow header reading “You can learn to play chess one silly story at a time.” In the bottom-right corner, you can see a gameboard with the pieces in the starting position. There are several characters all over the box. Toward the top and across, are 4 pictures of pieces the set includes.
Story Time Chess Storybook cover showing a blue-sky background with green patchwork hills. There is a tall hill on each side with a castle on each. The left castle is standard with spires and flags. The right castle looks like a purple hot air balloon. Many characters are coming out of each castle and running to the front, some smiling, waving, and some riding horses. The 2 Queens are front-middle and smiling at each other. The left Queen is on a horse. Behind them are the Kings.
Story Time Chess Box cover showing a blue-sky background with green patchwork hills. There is a tall hill on each side with a castle on each. The left castle is standard with spires and flags. The right castle looks like a purple hot air balloon. Many characters are coming out of each castle and running to the front, some smiling, waving, and some riding horses. 2 men are in the front middle, the Kings of each castle. The left is eating a sandwich and laughing. The right is looking at his feet in concern.
A customer photo of a dark-haired boy is glasses playing Story Time Chess. He is looking down and concentrating on the game on the table in front of him. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. The pieces are standard chess shape, but has a character cut-out attached to each piece. There is a scoreboard in the bottom left, numbered 1 to 5 on each side with round tiles stacked in the middle.
A customer photo of a dark-blonde boy staring at the camera and pointing to the game board on the table in front of him and leaning his other arm on the instruction and story manual. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. The pieces are standard chess shape, but has a character cut-out attached to each piece. The game box can be seen clearly on the left of the table.
A customer photo of 2 young black-haired children sitting on the floor playing Story Time Chess. They are both looking up at the camera smiling. Between them on the floor is the game in progress. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. The pieces are standard chess shape, but has a character cut-out attached to each piece. The game box can be seen on the floor in front of the game board.
A customer photo of a young blonde boy resting his head on his hand that is on the table in front of him, planning his move. In front of him is the Story Time Chess game board. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. The pieces are standard chess shape, but has a character cut-out attached to each piece.
Story Time Chess Story book, instruction manual, and a king playing piece laid out on a white surface. The Storybook cover is the same as the box cover. A blue-sky background with patchwork hills and a tall hill on each side with a castle on each. Many characters are coming out of each castle and running to the front, some smiling, waving, and some riding horses. 2 men are in the front middle, the Kings of each castle. The left is eating a sandwich and laughing. The right is looking at his feet in concern.
Story Time Chess alternate option board of standard chess. The board has a mint green boarder with letters and numbers written on it. The rest of the game board is checkered white and dark green. The chess pieces are black on the left side, and white on the right. The pieces are set in their starting position. Covering part of the bottom of the game board is the “Story Time Chess Standard Chess Instructions.”
Story Time Chess game board and instructions laid out. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. On one of the squares is the King piece. He is surrounded by round tokens with a pizza slice on them. In the instruction book, is the same King image as on the piece. He is large with a big orange beard and getting ready to eat a sandwich in his right hand while holding a staff with skewered food on it in his left.
Story Time Chess game board setup up with all the pieces in the starting position. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green.  The white pieces on the bottom side show the standard pieces. They have character cut-outs in front of them, but you are not able to see from this angle, so they are just white cut-outs. On the other side are the black pieces. You can see all the colorful character cut-outs. All pieces are in their starting position.
Story Time Chess instruction book open to show 2 mini games. The left page is titled “Bea and Bop, Minigame 1” and the right page is titled “Bea and Bop, Minigame 2.” Under the titles is an illustration of the dark and light checkered game board. There are 2 character images and arrows pointing in the directions they are allowed to move. Under the image is the direction on how to play. The page background is a blue sky with patch work, green, grassy hills.
Story Time Chess instruction book open to show “How to Move Bea and Bop, The Bishops.” This title is written over a yellow crown icon. Under the title and some text is an illustration of the dark and light checkered game board. There is a character image and arrows pointing in the directions they are allowed to move. There is another instructional image at the bottom of the left page. On the right are Bea and Bop standing on the patch work, green, grassy hills, waving.
Story Time Chess pieces laid out on a white surface. There is a scoreboard at the top with a grassy background. There are numbered circles from 1 to 5 on the top and the bottom. In between are 2 spots for game cards on either side and 2 spots in the middle for token pieces. The token pieces on top have a sparkling pink gem on them, and the ones on the bottom have a slice of pizza on them. There are scattered tokens at the bottom, some have crowns on them, and 2 playing cards to the right side.
Story Time Chess promotional image. The background is a blue sky with green patchwork hills. At the top in white is written “Proven Chess Curriculum.” Under in black text, and accompanied by a related icon, are the following skills; strengthens academic performance, enhancing arithmetical skills, teaches grit, improving retained test scores, hones verbal skills, sharpens critical thinking. Below are game awards.
Story Time Chess storage bags on a white surface with pieces laid out in front. The left bag is purple with a white feather in the middle and laying down on the table. The pieces in and coming out of the bag are black. The standing blue bag on the right has a plate and crossed fork and spoon in the middle. There are white pieces in front. Both bags have yellow ribbon pull closures.
A dark-haired boy sits at a table with the Story Time Chess board in front of him. He has a slight smile and is reaching out his hand to move a piece on the board. He is looking up at someone across the table that you can’t see. The game board on the table has light and dark checkered squares with the game pieces in play.
A close up of a hand coming out from the top-right corner and holding onto a Story Time Chess game piece. The cut-out piece is of “King Shaky.” He is wearing a balloon style outfit of purple, gold, and black. He has a white bag in his right hand and is looking down with a scared look on his face and his other hand protecting his face. The piece is being put into the King piece resting on the board. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green.
2 curly, dark-haired children are laying on the floor in front of a couch playing Story Time Chess. Boy on the left, girl on the right.  The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. There are only 2 King pieces on the board. The girl on the right is holding on and moving the white King piece. There are round tokens placed all over the board. You can see the game box leaning against the couch between the children. There is a game logo in the upper-left of the picture.
Story Time Chess game board setup up with all the pieces in the starting position. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green.  The white pieces on the bottom-left side show the standard pieces. They have character cut-outs in front of them, but you are not able to see from this angle, so they are just white cut-outs. On the other side are the black pieces. You can see all the colorful character cut-outs. All pieces are in their starting position.
Story Time Chess alternate option board of standard chess. The board has a mint green boarder with letters and numbers written on it. The rest of the game board is checkered white and dark green. The chess pieces are black on the bottom side, and white on the top. The pieces are set in their starting position.
A dark-haired boy sits at a table with the Story Time Chess board in front of him. He is looking up at someone across the table, but you can only see a part of this persons left arm. The game board on the table has light and dark checkered squares with the game pieces in play. To the left you can see the story book and instructions and some playing cards with round token pieces.
Story Time Chess game board and instructions laid out. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. On one of the squares is the Knight piece. The character piece is a light gray horse with a blue outfit. The instruction book is laid out across the board on the bottom. The title is “Clip and Clop, Minigame 1” and an illustration of the game board below with 2 horse icons and arrows showing how they move.
Story Time Chess game board and Storybook laid out. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. On top of the board, set in the starting position are the black pieces with their characters attached. The Storybook is laid over the game board. The cover shows 2 Queens in the middle, the right queen riding a horse. Behind them are the Kings, followed by more characters running down the hills behind them.
Story Time Chess promotional image. The large, round, center images is the Toy of the Year 2021 awards winner badge. Below is the Story Time Chess logo and surrounding the middle badge are more awards the game has received. There are 8 awards in total. The background is split diagonally down from the top-right to the bottom left and is purple on top and blue on the bottom.
Story Time Chess game board and story book laid out. The game board squares are green grass, alternating darker green and lighter green. On one of the squares is Queen piece. The character piece is dark skinned with a white and green trim dress. She is smiling and waving her hand in the air. The story book is laid out across the board on the bottom. The title “Chapter 7, Queen Bella, The White Queen” is printed over a crown icon. There is text and story illustrations with the queen.
A dark-haired boy sits with him head resting on his crossed arms at a table with the Story Time Chess board in front of him. He is looking over at the instruction book that is being held up by the adult across the table. The game board on the table has light and dark checkered squares with the game pieces in the starting position.
Story Time Chess Box back has a blue background. There is white text with a yellow header reading “You can learn to play chess one silly story at a time.” In the bottom-right corner, you can see a gameboard with the pieces in the starting position. There are several characters all over the box. Toward the top and across, are 4 pictures of pieces the set includes.
Story Time Chess Storybook cover showing a blue-sky background with green patchwork hills. There is a tall hill on each side with a castle on each. The left castle is standard with spires and flags. The right castle looks like a purple hot air balloon. Many characters are coming out of each castle and running to the front, some smiling, waving, and some riding horses. The 2 Queens are front-middle and smiling at each other. The left Queen is on a horse. Behind them are the Kings.

(closeout) Story Time Chess

Story Time Chess makes learning chess simple and fun using silly stories, vibrant illustrations, custom chess pieces, and a unique chessboard.


AvailabilityUsually ships in 1-3 days.

Product Code: 150-095

Multiple Grades

Multiple Grades

Complete Course

Complete Course



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In a Curriculum Kit