The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible


The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible

The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible highlights God’s grace, mercy, and plan of redemption through Jesus.


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Product Code: 536-655



Multiple Grades

Multiple Grades



Visual Learner

Visual Learner

Fantastic for Young Minds

"Jared Kennedy has created a spectacular resource to help us teach the Bible to our youngest children. Though the language is simple enough for toddlers, the gospel truth it carries can and will transform lives. The illustrations compliment the story, creating a colorful journey for children as they discover the promises of God and how they are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. I will be placing a copy of this book in all our Children's ministry classrooms and recommending that every family in our church with small children add it to their bookshelf."
-Marty Machowski, Pastor, author of The Ology, The Gospel Story Bible, and other books and curriculum for the church and family.
Fantastic for Young Minds