The Reason for God


The Reason for God book cover. It is all white with the following text on the cover in black: “New York Times bestseller. Timothy Keller. Belief in an Age of Skepticism. The Reason for God. With a New Preface.” There is a small penguin icon at the bottom.
The Reason for God book open to show inside pages. The pages are covered in text. The left page shows a title reading “The Regularity of Nature” in the middle. The right page has a title reading “The Clue of Beauty” in the middle.
The Reason for God book cover. It is all white with the following text on the cover in black: “New York Times bestseller. Timothy Keller. Belief in an Age of Skepticism. The Reason for God. With a New Preface.” There is a small penguin icon at the bottom.
The Reason for God book open to show inside pages. The pages are covered in text. The left page shows a title reading “The Regularity of Nature” in the middle. The right page has a title reading “The Clue of Beauty” in the middle.

The Reason for God

In this apologia for the Christian faith, Tim Keller makes an intellectually compelling case for God.



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Product Code: 199-505



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In a Curriculum Kit



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